Shocks and struts are on your vehicle to help stabilize the movements your vehicle makes. They are in place to help control your vehicle whenever you turn, accelerate, brake, or whenever you are traveling on an uneven surface in the road.
Whenever you have worn shocks and struts and can be a huge issue and will result in your having a bad ride. When they are worn you are also in danger of being unsafe. Your vehicle will send off warning signs whenever your shocks and struts are worn. Here are the signs that you can be on the lookout for to know this may be an issue soon.
There are many things that can cause your shocks and struts to become worn. Here are seven warning signs that your shocks and struts are to that point.
Unsteadiness highway speeds. If you feel as if your vehicle doesn't feel totally stable while you're on the highway and it is always moving up and down, this is a sign.
If your vehicle tips to one side whenever you are making a turn, this is another sign. If you are making a sharp turn or on an off-ramp and your vehicle tends to lean or feels wobbly, this is a sign.
When you are making a hard brake your front-end dives more than you expect it to.
You notice your rear end tends to squat when you are accelerating hard and the front end rises at the same time.
Your tires seem to bounce excessively. If you hit a bump you may feel a tire, or more than one reacting in a bouncing motion. When this happens, you may also notice a clunking noise.
You have unusual wear on your tires. When your tires aren't firmly held to the road it can cause the tread to wear and do so in a wavy manner instead of causing them to wear evenly.
You notice there is fluid leaking on the exterior of the shocks and struts.
You don't want your shocks and struts to be worn and not take care of the issue. If you need your shocks or struts replaced, we invite you to bring your vehicle into our auto repair shop today!